Thursday, October 8, 2009

Leidseplein, Albertheign and Boom

I know, right?  They have the weirdest words here.  And to make it even more confusing, the way they are pronounced sometimes sounds nothing like the words look. 

Public transportation is so cool. It's really a shame we don't have it in the U.S. like they do here.  I am amazed at how easy it is to get around and find things.  I hope all of the cities I visit are this easy to navigate.

After the market and coffee shop today, I took the tram to Central Station where there is a grocery store called Albertheign (no idea on the pronounciation of that one).  I picked up a few foreign snacks, and a bottle of soda which was MUCH cheaper than the $3 (2 euro) I've been paying per can.  I got some interesting things, and will take pictures of them soon.  It was fun because I could not read anything, so I didn't really know what I was buying, except for what I could guess from the pictures.  It was raining outside, and my feet and the bottom of my pants were wet, and I started getting cold (yeah, really) so I decided to head home for the night. My tram stop (for the hostel) is called Leidseplein (Liiiii-djus-plon) and it's a neat little area.  When the tram pulled into Leidseplein, I saw this comedy club called "Boom." I decided to check and see what time the show started rather than going back home.  Coincidently the show was starting in about a half hour, and there was a girl standing out front giving out 1/2 price coupons, since they just recently opened.  It was 10e to get in.  I decided to go.

I found a table and ordered a drink (Strongbow again), and a few minutes later another single woman  by herself came and sat next to me.  Her name was Nadia.  We started talking and then a few minutes after that, yet another woman all by herself came in and sat with us also.  We chatted and watched the show together.  Nadia even bought me a drink.  She refused when I tried to reciprocate, but she said I have inspired her to start travelling again.  Apparently she used to travel by herself and has since become a bit scared of travelling alone.  She said she is going to do it; I hope she does!!!  It's funny that everyone (I mean seriously, everyone) here speaks English.  It is the one language that everyone has in common.  I have not met a single person yet who does not speak it. 

Anyway, the three of us enjoyed the comedy show (half scripted and half improv.  All of the kids in the comedy group were from "the states" as they say here.  It was really fun.

(This was last night's post but the intrnet kept cutting out in my room, so I am just posting it now.)


  1. Hi Vik
    Nice to hear from you again you crazy chick.
    Soooo glad you are having a good time.
    Take care of yourself and enjoy all you do.
    Love The Stepdad

  2. Thanks!! I love you Neil!!! :)



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