Monday, October 11, 2010

Back in the hospital

Wow! Almost two months with no blog entries at all. Let me catch you up. First off, I am currently in the hospital again. I was having such a hard time breathing that my doctor ordered a CT scan which revealed fluid in my lung and around my heart. I had the lung fluid drained this morning (750 ml) and then this afternoon's heart sonogram revealed that the heart fluid was stressing my heart so my doctor decided to admit me. They will remove the heart fluid tomorrow and then do something to help prevent the lung fluid from coming back. Also my chemo will be reevaluated as there has been some growth in the lung tumors. My doctor has told me not to plan any travel for a while.

Luckily I did get up to Maine recently, and then down to Florida. Both trips were great. The weather in Maine was beautiful, and it was great seeing my dad and Diane. Florida weather was not very good but Joss and James came with me and we had a wonderful time.

It's been a rather boring few months so that's all I really have to report.

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