Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How cool was that!!!!

Immediately after typing the post on baudrates and handshaking languages, two women came into the laundrymat. I am very hot, so was fanning myself with a beautiful spanish fan I bought in Paris. (I understand why Spanish women use them - they work very well at cooling, and I probably will always keep one with me now.) They though I was spanish -- probably because of my exotic appearance... or the fan...) and talked in Spanish to me. I said to them "English?"

They say "no"

I figure I would direct them to the laundry dude in the other room who is french, and say "Fron-say?"

They say "Espanol"
After I get over the amusement of this process happening that I had just written about (this took just a second, so it is not like they were there waiting for me to stop laughing or something) I tell them in Spanish, that I speak very little Spanish.
I am easily amused, because I was able to, with my very limited spanish, explain to them how the washers and the coin thingy all work!!! What a great day.

Time to dry.

Say "Ola" to someone!

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