Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Eccentric Elephants

There are these elephants like this one all over the city.  Each is painted differently.


  1. Youre doing a great job with the blog trick. I look foward to reading it. Wonderful pictures too. Have fun

  2. Reminds me of Lexington and their painted pigs...
    I love reading about your adventures Vik! Safe travels!! Miss you!

  3. Vik
    I know I can't spell it but in Italian it's spadinya.So Vik do not spadinya do all nice things for yourself no matter what it costs (your worth it)
    Enjoy your trip.
    Love the stepdad

  4. "Anonymous": Thanks...glad you are enjoying it. and I DID use the water bottle! :) Take good care of dogster :)

    Regina: I've never been to Lexington, but that sounds like a reason to go!!!!

    Neil: You're right... I'm glad I got them.

    Love you guys.

  5. I agree -- the first thing I thought of when I saw the elephants was Lexington's pigs. Too cute!

  6. The elephants are wonderful. Have fun today!




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