Sunday, October 11, 2009

I go out walking... after midnight

My feet hurt!  There is so much to see here.  I walked for 5 hours straight last night.  Everything ached when I got back to the hostel.  I wanted to post last night when I got to my room, because I have TONS of good pictures to share, but the wifi is my was not working.  I ended up just passing out, and slept until 11. 

I came down this morning and told the hostel staff that the wifi in my room was not working, and that they needed to reboot the dhcp server, as I was not getting an IP address.  The dude said he didn't know anything about it, and that I should just use the wireless down here in the common area, which irked me because I told him exactly how to fix it.  I really wanted to have the wifi in my room.  I paid a lot for this room (I got moved yesterday) because it's a private room.  I don't mind the shared rooms at all, but am loving the private room for one main reason - I don't have to lock everything up every time I go anywhere. I have my stuff sprawled out all over the entire room.  I am staying in that room again tonight, and will probably move on to Nice tomorrow. 

It is 1:30p right now.  I will probably go to the Picasso museum today, but have decided to make this day more relaxing so am not sure what I will do.  I started out this trip with a very "take my time, relax" attitude, but since getting into Paris, being that there is so much to do and see here, I keep slipping back into a sort of "gotta-get-there" mode, and keep having to remind myself that there is no reason to rush... there is nothing I have to do, and no where I have to be.  It actually takes some effort.

The amount of stuff I want to post about, and the amount of pictures I want to post is becoming overwhelming.  I may have to save a lot of it forwhen I get home.  I guess that would be better anyway.  It would be silly to come home with no stories or pics to share because they have all been posted.

My battery is dying soon so I will have to move to a table with an outlet.  That's all for now... I am going to post a few pics.

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