Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Good morning Day 2!!!

I woke up bright and early at 9 am (which is 3 am to you US folks) and
went downstairs for the free breakfast, which consisted of bread,
croissants, unidentifiable cereal (I not only learned was chocolate
smurf something-or-other but also got the prize!!) and stuff to put on
the bread which I identified by smell as peanut butter and something
like neutella. The bread was very fresh; it was fine for free
breakfast at $25 a night digs.

Now I am on my bunk being quiet and debating whether to disturb my 4
sleeping roomates to get my day going or be polite and wait until they
are all up. Being that one of them came in so loudly and abruptly last
night that I woke up and screamed, and since they are all 15-ish years
my juniors and can handle loosing a little sleep, I probably will get
going in a bit.

I think that I may head to Brussels later on today. After the
Waterloopien market where I hope to find a gift for James, I will be
over Holland.

Sent from my iPhone

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