Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Did I upload this post already???? I don't think I did.

Nice Nice is Nice!  I am in Nice now. Took the train in from Paris and got here about 6 p.m. It is beautiful here. Very quaint, and comfortable, with so much to see. Every corner you turn reveals another awesome view.

Shocking as it may be, I think I really like the smaller cities, like Da Dam, and Nice, better than Paris. Paris has a LOT too see, and it's amazing, and it's gorgeous, and all that, but it's almost like it's too much. The time I spent there seems almost lost now. It stretched into 5 days, and looking back, it is 5 days of blur. Even some of the pictures reflect that.

I am thrilled I got to see the Louvre. It's been a dream of mine for many years. However, if I ever get to come to Europe again, I think I would skip Paris and stick with the smaller cities. It is difficult enough to pull yourself out of the routine of life and focus on enjoying the moment -- wherever you are, or whatever you are experiencing for that second -- rather than always having thoughts of what needs to happen, or how things will go, or some other future event or obligation. The bustle and speed of a city like Paris makes it, for me, almost impossible to diconnect from everyday life in that way. In Paris I felt rushed, anxious, and aggravated by people who were in my way...much like I do at home. Here everything slows down and it's wonderful.

You know that sad, disappointed type of feeling you get on Sunday evening, knowing that the weekend is over and you have to go back to work on Monday? That's how it was in Paris. I found that I was already mourning the ending of my trip. Nice is definitely more my pace.

Tomorrow I have no plans at all, except going to the laundrymat. There is one about across the street from me. The rest of the day I will spend meandering around the city and seeing what I come across. If someone can point me towards the water, I'll seek it out.
I booked 2 nights here, but after tomorrow will decide if I want to stay another. I am thinking that I will. I was slightly nervous about coming here with no idea of where I was going or staying, but now that I'm doing it, I've got to say, there is NO better way to travel. I absolutely love the freedom of coming and going as I please, not having to rush to make any departures or find a specific hotel and whatnot. It's easy to do, with hotels and transportation options being so abundant here, and there is no feeling more wonderful than waking up in Paris and saying "I think I'll move on to Nice today."

I do truly wish I had a longer time though. One month would be an ideal time to spend like this.

Well, I am off to bed. I have a hotel room now (as opposed to a hostel) so I have a TV, and will see what kind of stuff they watch here. Then I will open the french doors covering the open window (no screens), and sleep with the night air of France wafting into my room. Ahhhhhh.

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