Sunday, October 18, 2009

Friday in Montorosso

(This is an older post that I just now got up - it's from 2 days ago)

I spent the last few hours collecting rocks from the beach. The beach here is much nicer than the one in Nice, as it is rock AND sand.

I fixed the strap on my backpack with some handy duct tape. Glad brought it. The streets here are cobblestone, and the atmosphere very peaceful and quiet, so I r4eally didn’t want to be dragging my stuff behind me, making noise across the entire town. It is heavy, but at the same time a relief to have hands free.

On a whim yesterday, and further nudged by my roommate’s dream that he was throwing all of her items from her backpack towards home, I send 2 boxes of stuff home, getting rid of about everything. I probably should have thought it out better, as I send a few things that I now wish I had, but it was weighing me down not only physically, and I felt freed once I got rid of most of it. I sent my language translation book, which I really could use now, and the magic jack, which I wish I had. I may have written about this already, so forgive me if I repeat stuff.

I am sitting in a little restaurant now having pizza and wine. When I am done, I think I will move on to the next town in Cinqua Terra.

I am seriously low on money now, and will probably have to hit an at at some point in the next few days. I need to stop buying stuff, but it’s hard. All of my problems on this trip have revolved around “stuff.” Having too much stuff, trying to fit stuff in the pack, sending stuff home, having to find places for my stuff, constantly locking stuff, stuff being too heavy, wanting to get more stuff even though I cannot afford it, and have to carry it, spending huge amounts of money to send stuff home, and finally worrying about my stuff getting home OK.

Since sending stuff home yesterday I have now weighed the pack back down with rocks from Montorosso beach. Funny how I found clothes to be unnecessary, but rocks to be needed enough that I am toting them on my back. They really are quite pretty though, and I will be glad I have them once home.

Things are getting lost and broken. I guess it’s tough on stuff being hauled around. My mouse is sticking now. It’s a really good mouse, so I am a bit disappointed. At least my notebook is working ok though.

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