Sunday, September 20, 2009

OK, so I get this email from the government...

and they tell me my passport is in the mail to me ALREADY! Holy crap! If only other areas of the government were so efficient! I will be booking my flight tomorrow, so really need to decide on arrival/departure cities. At this point the itinerary looks like this:
  • Arrive in Amsterdam
  • Paris
  • Nice
  • Cinque Terre (Italy)
  • Florence
  • Milan
  • Venice (will leave for home from either Milan or Venice)
I am excited, and a bit anxious.  Slightly apprehensive even, but that's a good thing.  This is definitely a way to shake things up a bit and remind me that there is a lot more to the world than my tiny corner, and that there's a very limited amount of time to explore it.  A woman whom I very much respect and admire quoted this to me:  "Comfort zones are most often expanded through discomfort."  I love that!  It's become the theme of my trip, and these are the words I will repeat to myself when I am in a foreign country, alone, not able to speak a word of the language or read anything, and am not sure what my next step should be.  I am hoping it will change my state from panic to enjoyment.

I think everyone with cancer and the like gets to the point where priorities shift.  In my case the importance of not creating/having outstanding debt, and work being number one priority has shifted to a desire to explore and experience what I can while I'm here, and the realization that life, love, and family trump everything.  I've decided to spend more time taking things in, and less time letting everything rush past me.

This week, I challenge you to do something you wouldn't normally.  Explore something you'd normally not notice.  Something as simple as walking into a building or store that you've never been in, or have been meaning to go to, or are even the slightest bit curious about.  Sign up for a class you've always wanted to take.  Call someone you've been out of touch with.  Use the good china to have hot dogs for dinner.  Pick one thing from your "someday" list and do it now! 

That's all for now.  Be sure to "follow" my blog.  I am trying to find a way for followers to get email notifications of new posts, but have yet to find it, so check back or email me if you want me to add you to the notification list.  I love you all.


  1. I feel sure I know who told you to go beyond your comfort zone. :o)

    Awesome post -- and so true! Now off to find something out of my comfort zone!

    Enjoy every minute of your planning!

  2. I bet you're right Tammy! She is definitely a fountain of wisdom!

  3. What a wonderful trip, Tori! Of the cities on your itinerary, I've only been to Florence, but it is one of the neatest places on earth. SO much to take in there. I admire your taking this trip and look forward to following your journey.

  4. By the way, a couple of useful nuggets of wisdom that served me well in my European travels--and these were shared by a pro: (1) Never pass up an opportunity to use a restroom--you don't know when you'll have that opportunity again. (2)If you see something you like, buy it then, because you may not have the chance again. A lot of people think they'll be able to swing back by a place to pick up something they saw, but for any number of reasons this may not pan out.

  5. You are truly a remarkable woman. I fully believe in what you say. My dad said to live ALL the days of my life. I have a few on my bucket list that I have accomplished and it is a great feeling. We all have to leave this earth at some point. To me the separation is that some folks have an idea on what it is that may take them, others don't have a clue and never think about it. Illness is sombering but at the same time, forces us to reassess. You have enormous courage.

  6. Wow! Thank you, mysterious person! :)



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