Sunday, November 15, 2009

DAMn, Virginia, Stomp Your Feet!

I've taken a few pictures over the past week, and have finally got some time to sit down and share them. First off, Oliver and I took a ride to Virginia last week. No particular destination, just got in the car and started driving.

First we stopped for sausage biscuits.

Then we drove north and came across a dam.

Next we stopped at a Goodwill and got some books for James for .35 each! While walking out of the store, I met a kind elderly woman who beat cancer and we chatted for a few. Sadly, I didn’t think to take her picture.

We then drove home, and saw the most amazing HUGE harvest moon. It's hard to tell in the pictures, but it was really big and beautiful!


Joss, Jamie Jame and I had dinner at Cici's one night:


Yesterday (Saturday) was fun. First I did some Christmas shopping and had my car washed:

This guy worked really hard to remove a pretty nasty white mark where some douchebag must have hit my car with their door REALLY hard (Rude bastard...I hope karma gets him!)  I didn't intentionally photograph his ass, just didn't wanna get up from the grassy knoll.

Then my son-in-law took me, Joss and James out for lunch:

Look at those handsome men!!!

Then Joss and I went to a Step competition at Dudley High School. It was called "Stompfest" and featured several schools from around the state. It was fun, and a couple of the teams were really impressive!

My chin is cut off because I had to crop out Jocilyn's infinite cleavage.

Remember to do something fun this week!  Think of one thing, and then be sure to do it.

1 comment:

  1. you still have that same smile so good to see and talk to you.




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